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Kind World Club Info Night: Ardmore Elementary
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In the hustle and bustle of academic and after-school activities, it can be challenging to find time to dedicate to your child's social and emotional development! Building strong character in kids is simple and easy, but it does take time and intention! As the future leaders of our communities whether they are teachers, volunteers or politicians, Camp Kindness Counts believes that offering kids opportunities to develop strong character is key to our development of a kind and compassionate society.


Ardmore Elementary has an opportunity to start a Kind World Club!


These clubs are parent-led groups who work through Camp Kindness Counts' Kind World Curriculum, a program centered around developing strong character in our selves, socially, and globally! Explore art projects, games, reflections, and service projects to build strong character that ripples out to families, schools, neighborhoods, and communities! CKC will offer their resources and expertise to guide and support the parents' success!  


Join us Friday February 1st from 6-7pm for an evening of learning more about this program, connecting with other like-minded parents, learning about character development, self-care, and holding space for new and innovative parent-led ideas to build communities of kindness in our neighborhoods.


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