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Kind World Explorers
Families Building Communities of Compassion
parenting partner of:

With the support of UC Berkeley's Greater Good Science Center, Camp Kindness Counts has developed research-based resources that support parents and caregivers in their efforts to nurture pro-social skills such as compassion, in kids. We aim to support the well-being of adults as well as young people through character development, mindfulness, and service through community engagement. Support is provided through the following offerings: Family Service Projects, Camps, Character Building Workshops, Character building resources, and lastly the Kind World Explorers™ resource addressed on this page.
Kind world explorers video
Parents, caregivers, and educators - this video explains the many ways you can
use Kind World Explorers with the kids in your life!
Kind World Explorers™
The Kind World Explorers guidebook provides parents, caregivers, educators, and youth with activities and example conversations to help foster 12 specific character strengths in children and their family unit: Gratitude, Generosity, Forgiveness, Awareness, Authenticity, Compassion, Empathy, Love, Flexibility, Collaboration, Curiosity and Perseverance. Character strengths such as Purpose, Humility and Reliability are also highlighted in the guidebook. Each youth participant receives a Kind World Explorers Passport booklet to reflect in during their character development journey! For groups implementing the Kind World Explorer curriculum, Camp Kindness Counts also offers a character building workshops to complement the curriculum. Supportive resources can also be found on the Character Resource Portal.
Kind WORLD Explorers GUIDEBOOK "activity book"
The Kind World Explorers guidebook is set up to develop 12 Character Strengths through three themes:
My World explores our connection to our self, and our ability to use our Character Strengths to take care of ourselves through self-awareness, emotional expression, and mindfulness activities.
Your World explores social connections -- sharing Character Strengths to connect with and make an impact on the experiences of others.
Our World explores global connections -- sharing Character Strengths with those we may never actually meet, but can make an impact on the experience of.
For each Character Strength, two activities will be presented for each "world" theme. Participants explore a Character Strength by completing one activity in each "world" theme and reflecting in their Kind World Explorers Passport.
Kind World Explorers Passport™
The Kind World Passport is used as a reflection tool for kids of classrooms or families using Kind World Explorers guidebooks! As kids complete the activities, they will also take the time to reflect on what they did and how they felt in their Kind World Passports! Kids can track progress and receive recognition in their Kind World Passport with a special "Achieved" sticker!
Character Building Parenting Workshop
In-person Character Building Parenting Workshops have been indefinitely postponed. Currently virtual workshop are being offered!
This workshop offers character development research, self-care, and parenting tools, as well as introduces parents to the notion of Kind World Explorers.
With the workshop, parents will:​
Gain character development tools and self-care tools for challenges within themselves and with their children and friends
Understand the methods and evidence of role modeling, inductive parenting, and global community engagement
See Kind World Explorers guidebooks as a means to foster character development in children while practicing and expanding ideas learned at the workshop
Who can use the Kind World Explorers resources?
Anyone, as long as you also keep it free! Both adults and youth can use this resource as they choose. Educators are welcome to use the activities as a learning resource to support social-emotional learning and character development. Parents are welcome to start a Kind World Explorers club with their own family or gather some friends and set up a regular meeting time for activities. PTSAs, scouting organizations, homeschooling groups, houses of worship, or other parent-led organizations may also find the Kind World Explorers guidebooks to be a good fit to add to their programming. Your Kind World Explorers community is entirely yours to build!
More questions? Check out the Kind World Explorers FAQ page.
Lessons to support social emotional well-being
We are here to support school districts, teachers, parents, caregivers, and children.
Please complete the form to download the FREE activity guidebook and passport.
The Kind World Explorers guidebooks and Kind World Explorers Passport may not be used for any fee based programs or purposes. If you would like to include it in a fee based program or bring to your school district community please contact us.
© 2024 Camp Kindness Counts, All Rights Reserved
All information contained in this booklet may not be distributed, copied, transformed or reproduced in any form unless prior written authorization is received by Camp Kindness Counts.
Curriculum handouts can be reproduced for educational purposes pertaining to Kind World Explorers Guidebook activities