Kindness Counts!
Dear Families,
We are on a mission to hear and share the voice of youth and their perspective of Kindness and the kind of world in which they wish to live. Children are our future after all, shouldn't their thoughts be heard? Thank you for encouraging them to speak, share, love and lead with kindness during these exceptionally difficult times. We at Camp Kindness Counts want to show youth the power they have to make a difference in our world, simply through kindness.
We'd like to invite you to share a 15 second audio clip or video of your child sharing their thoughts (not displaying their face). Some of the audio/video sent to us will be compiled into a video which will be shared online and over social media.
1. Please Do Not include your child's face or any person's face in the video you send.
2. If you send a video, your child may hold a decorated poster or paper either below their face or covering their face.
3. The poster/paper can have a drawing of something happy and kind ( kind message, heart, smiley face, people helping one another etc.).
4. The audio file or video clip should only be 15 seconds long per question.
5. Your child may answer 1 or All of the questions. But each question should be sent as a separate audio or video file.
6. EMAIL to: or Upload directly here:
We are so grateful to your children for sharing their voice and thoughts on kindness! We wish we could us all of the content shared for the final video but this will not be possible. We will be selecting just Some of the submitted content to include in the video planned to launch in November. But may use other content shared with us for another video in the future!
Here is a sample of what you can read to your children before asking them the question(s). Feel free to ask as many of the questions as you'd like.
“There is an organization called Camp Kindness Counts that wants to hear the thoughts of kids/youth about kindness and what kind of world they wish to live in. They feel kids are super important and have the power to make our world a kinder place and need your help!”
Your child may start with: I'm [FIRST NAME ONLY], I’m [AGE] years old and I'm from [Name of Country or State and Country]. Example: I'm Mary, I’m 8 years old and I'm from France
Please answer any of the below questions. Do not record reading the question itself in the recording :o).
1. Do you think it is important to be kind? Why?
2. What kind of world do you want to live in? How do you want people to treat each other?
3. What makes a person a good leader?
Thanks for making our world a Kinder place,
Team Camp Kindness Counts