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In our Camp Kindness Counts’ Programs, we want each participant to have a Fun and Safe experience.  Our programs are set up so each volunteer or staff member can help support 8 student participants.  Participants are expected to treat all other participants with respect, and to help each other achieve the best possible experience. If a participant has difficulty meeting this expectation, parents may be called upon to assist. Programs include but are not limited to camps and school enrichment.  We work together as a team to ensure participants feel safe and are having a fun, empowering experience at our various programs.  We have trialed a variety of options and have found the following criteria to be the best guidelines to ensure that each camper maintains their own safety as well as that of other campers.

Behavior Guidelines and Rules

Please read this behavior policy with your child before attending our programs including but not limited to camps and school enrichment activities.


Your child should be able to: 


• Work within a group setting, participating in most activities with the guidance of 1 staff member or volunteer

• Follow multi-step instructions within a group setting with minimal guidance (eg, let’s get

your helmet, find your bike, and get in line for a bike ride)

• Actively participate and engage in group and peer-based activities (collaborative games, red light/green

light etc.) 

• Demonstrate patience and ability to wait their turn for activities or periods of transition.

• Demonstrate safe, responsible and respectful behavior at all times to themselves and those around them

• Work through period of anxiety and frustration with new and difficult activities with the

support of a volunteer who is unfamiliar with your child’s behavior.

• Tolerate loud noises in a park setting while maintaining safe participation in the group

(lawn mowers, noises from other children, airplane fly overs etc.)

• Exhibit appropriate responses to challenging activities or scenarios per examples above

without running away or becoming violent. (Our highest priority is to keep everyone safe

while having fun.)

• Use the bathroom independently, in a timely manner, and not require excessive bathroom

breaks. In many instances, the bathroom is not immediately available, so we try to limit the number of visits

in the 3-hour camp as this requires staff to be away from the group for longer periods of


• If you are not sure about any of these, please ask us! We can help problem solve.​


Participants should talk to a counselor or any camp staff member if they need assistance while attending any of our Programs.


 Supportive Procedures

When a participant does not follow the behavior guidelines, we will take the following action steps as behavior problems progress.

  1. Staff will redirect the participant to more appropriate behavior.  

  2. If inappropriate behavior continues, the camper will be reminded of behavior guidelines and camp rules, and the camper will be asked to decide on action steps to correct his/her behavior.

  3. If a participants behavior still does not meet expectations and is affecting the experience of other participants, volunteers or staff members, parents will be notified and asked for assistance.

  4. If a participants behavior still does not meet expectations, as a final action step the participant will be dismissed from camp.  (refunds are not given)

  5. If at any point the behavior of a participant is affecting the safety of themselves or others, parents will be notified immediately and if needed the participant may be dismissed from camp. (refunds are not given

Examples of behaviors which are not acceptable given our program guidelines:

  • Refusing to follow behavior guidelines or camp rules

  • Using profanity, vulgarity or obscenity

  • Stealing or damaging property (personal or camp property)

  • Refusal to participate in activities or cooperate with staff

  • Disrupting a program

  • Leaving a program without permission

  • Endangering the health and safety of children and/or staff

  • Use of illicit drugs, alcohol or tobacco or sexual conduct of any kind

  • Teasing, making fun or bullying of other campers or staff

  • Fighting of any kind

  • Unable to use the bathroom independently 

  • Unwillingness to work in a group and/or collaborative way with peers and/or staff/volunteers

Participant’s fees are non-refundable if a participant is sent home for behavioral reasons. Physical violence, bullying toward another participant or staff member, or unsafe behavior will result in immediate dismissal from the camp and enrichment programs.

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